From Sales to Technical: Our support services

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Support Contact

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For product support or sales inquiries please write us

If you have any question about our products please contact us clicking on emails below. Our support team will be in touch shortly

Technical Support

If you have any technical support, you can contact us anytime you need

Sales Support

If you have any sales requests, you can contact us anytime you need


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Products

You can provide your own hardware to use Libero products. The hardware to be used in the system may vary depending on your requirement.

No. The license obtained is valid permanently. In addition, you will need to purchase a renewed SLA every year for updates and technical support.

There are no Video Codec limitations on Libero products. All supported Codecs are available for your use with a permanent license.

Libero products supports Aja Video Systems, Blackmagic Desing, Bluefish444, Delta Cast, Magewell, Stream Labs and DekTec capture cards.

Yes, Libero Play can control 2 redundant servers at the same time.

Depending on the hardware, Libero Ingest can record up to 8 sources simultaneously.

Yes it can. For example, one source may record MPEG2 while another source may record H264.

“Libero MAM Unlimited” works unlimitedly regardless of user and storage.

You can purchase a 4 or 8 channel license in Libero Hybrid.


Designed in harmony with 3rd party integrations, Libero Systems provides a high level of customer satisfaction with the service quality offered by a professional team.

Its product portfolio and features are constantly being developed by following the latest technology trends, and the high flexibility capacity of Libero Systems provides an expandable integration opportunity to use partners and technologies in the industry.